
Factual Wellness provides accurate, verified, and fact-checked content about health, well-being, and wellness concepts.

While this project strives to be factual and hype-free, it is written through a lens of empathy, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging.

There's a power imbalance in the wellness world. It's there in healthcare, too.

Wellness, as a concept, is for the people.

Wellness, as an industry, is for power, popularity, and profits.

Factual Wellness aims to provide balance but will always come from the perspective of the person, not the provider.

Factual Wellness believes equity, justice, autonomy, and inclusion are foundational human rights. As such, this initiative:

  • Unwaveringly supports minority and marginalized groups
  • Believes in human rights and dignity for all
  • Prioritizes people and the pursuit of truth over profits and politics
  • Acknowledges the disruptive and destructive effects of white supremacy and colonialism
  • Recognizes that many self-care concepts, including the phrase "self-care," have been co-opted from BIPOC wisdom
  • Takes an unwavering stance as anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-ableist
  • Advocates for equity and inclusion for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and all religious, cultural, and ethnic minorities
  • Asserts that the wellness industry has roots in racism and eugenics
  • Promotes an agenda of ethics, equity, and empathy